Having detailed the customers previous cars a couple of years back, he decided to upgrade. So having found this very very clean low mile stage 2 GTR in silver it had to be purchased! On inspection the GTR was in very good condition, with only light swirling and holograming. As the customer follows our work on Facebook and Twitter he was very interested in G-Techniq and booked in for the silver service with all the exterior options.
As the car arrived…
As you can see… it was rather dirty from this drive up from the Midlands. After the wash stage, it was de-tarred, washed with ironX shampoo to be definite of no metal contaminates then clayed which resulted in no remaining bonded contaminates left. Once dried it was brought inside for a test section to determine the best polish/pad combination for the correction stage. Which left these results…
The correction stage left no marring of its own but still lacked the final sharp reflections that we are aiming for so a secondary finishing stage was needed followed by a final jewelling process.
With the GTR, certain high impact areas are protected with a clear film which when machined gather polish round the edges. This has to be fully removed as if not it detracks from the look of the car and is a lot harder to remove later.
With these stages were complete the GTR was taken back out for a very gentle wash to rid any polish residue. Brought in, it was dried with compressed air which took an hour to complete. Dried, it was then wiped over with IPA to ensure nothing remained on the paint surface ready for the G-Techniq C1, G1, C4 and C5 to be applied.
Before the C1 was applied… high gloss, sharp reflections and plenty of flake popping…
The exhaust was then worked over with P21s Polishing Soap and coated with a test product…
The day after once the G-Techniq had cured the car was coated with C1.5 Silo Seal ready for collection.
Finished shots…
Detail was also supported with the G-Techniq 5 Year Protection Warranty.
Thanks for reading..
Pure Detail